Mistaken Identity – The Northern Copperhead

It is snake season in our area.  And we continue to get calls, even the occasional frantic call, “oh my gosh, I think I have a northern copperhead in my bathroom”.  Well, to be honest, it’s probably not a northern copperhead, most likely it is a northern water snake or even an eastern milk snake.  […]

Tips to avoiding common wildlife encounters

This article was first published in the print version of the official newsletter of the Hudson Valley Chapter Community Association Institute. My husband and I enjoy watching wildlife and after 17 years of living in New York City, we decided to head to the country. We desired to trade in the sounds of honking horns, […]

Bats are Back Again

Once again we are beginning to get an increase in call volume as it relates to Bats.  I have blogged about bats back in May, but there significance to our ecological systems and hence our hesitation in starting bat removal and exclusion work prior to the end of July beginning of August could use a […]

Should I Hire My Pest Control Company?

Let me ask you this……if you were experiencing migraine headaches would you go to your proctologist just because you have a relationship with him? Then why would you automatically hire your pest control company just because you have a relationship with them?  Wildlife is very different then Entomology (bugs).   Think about it logically, do you […]

Snakes – Non-Venomous

northern water snake

Ssssssnakes! Every time I reference snakes, the scene from Indiana Jones pops into my head. There’s Indiana knee deep in snakes just slithering all around him…I get the chills just thinking about it. It’s snake season and our snake calls are on the rise. The four most common non-venomous snakes found in our area are […]

Black Rat Snakes

Rat Snake

SSSSSS……….Snakes everywhere!  We have been receiving an over abundance of snake calls.  And in typical fashion, we like to deliver useful information in a timely manner to our clients.  I would have to say that 85% of the calls are typically regarding the black rat snake.   Hence, this blog will focus on black Rat Snakes.  […]