Cockroach Invasion?

Cockroach Invasion? Are cockroaches invading your home? Your home can become a health problem if not checked early on. Cockroaches can be brought to your home after traveling or on cardboard boxes from stores. There are at least five types of cockroaches that are common in New York but the American and German are the […]

ANTS IN THE HOUSE (Tribal Ants and Carpenter Ants)

ANTS IN THE HOUSE (Tribal Ants and Carpenter Ants) Ants are often nuisance pests, and just their presence can be upsetting. They often get into foods and feed on them. Some species crawl over refuse, carrion, or sewage, which may afford them an opportunity to carry the causal organisms of some diseases. Food contamination can […]


Having problems with rats and mice? Is your property having a Rat Invasion? Rats that invade your home or office can become a health issue and damage problem if not checked early on. Rats will bring in through the fleas rousting on them and their droppings various diseases and damage problems that require eradication. The […]

Are Bees And Wasps Really That Bad?

Are Bees And Wasps Really That Bad? Bees and wasps have a bad reputation. They are mostly known for being stinging insects that are capable of leaving painful raised welts on our skin. However, bees and wasps are important parts of our eco-system because they are responsible for pollinating a large variety of flowers and […]

Honey Bee Colony Collapse Disorder

Honey Bee Colony Collapse Disorder Bees keep dying at record rates, putting our food supply at serious risk. The average person sitting down to dinner probably doesn’t realize the important role bees played in preparing that meal. Here’s something that might surprise you: One out of every three mouthfuls of food in the American diet is, in […]


Voles  Vole Description and Habitats There are two types of Voles found in our service area, the meadow vole and the pine vole. They are 4” to 7 1/2 “ long weighing ½ to 2 ½ ounces.  The meadow vole is larger than the pine vole.  The meadow vole’s tail is longer than it’s hind […]