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ANTS IN THE HOUSE (Tribal Ants and Carpenter Ants)

ANTS IN THE HOUSE (Tribal Ants and Carpenter Ants)

Ants are often nuisance pests, and just their presence can be upsetting. They often get into foods and feed on them. Some species crawl over refuse, carrion, or sewage, which may afford them an opportunity to carry the causal organisms of some diseases. Food contamination can also occur and may result in allergic reactions by certain sensitive people. Some ants damage wooden structures, and others undermine slabs or patio stones. However, we should not forget that ants are beneficial in their natural habitat because they help clean up the environment.

Physical Description

Ants have three body regions (head, trunk, and gaster) distinctly defined by narrow constrictions. They have elbowed antennae, and the gaster is attached to the thorax by a
waist that consists of one or two small separated segments. There are three distinct castes of ants—queen, male and worker. There may also be different forms of each caste. Ants always live in societies known as colonies. Workers are wingless, but at mating time swarms of males and females are produced, usually winged.

Uninvited Guests

Since ants are frequently attracted from outdoor colonies by food odors, store food in tight containers or refrigerate it. Rinse out food containers thoroughly before tossing them into the trash or recycling bin. Ants are often searching for either sweets or grease as food. They do, however, feed on other foods including meats, dairy products, pastries, fruits, animal fats and vegetable oils as well as on dead or live insects. If ants are found indoors, thoroughly clean areas where ants occur or gather. Search for the routes of entry and seal off with caulking compound. Ants will enter the house in search of food, but if none is present, will leave again.

Identifying Ants

Some of the ants which may be found in houses include: (1) Carpenter ants; (2) Little black ant (Monomorium minimum); (3) Pharaoh ant (Monomorium pharaonis); (4) Odorous house ant (Tapinoma sessile);(5) Acrobat ants (Crematogaster spp.); (6) Cornfield ants (Lasius spp.); (7) Yellow ants (Acanthomyops spp.); (8) Thief ants (Solenopsis spp.); (9) Pavement ants (Tetramorium caespitum) and the Tribal ants (Lasirus Niger).

In the event you see a number of ants in your house notify a professional to identify the sub species of ants as well as eradicate and remit these little creatures. There are many home remedies both chemical and natural but the most efficient way is a professional.