Bust Em’ December 2012 Newsletter
There are over 2,200 species of rodents, making them the largest order of mammals. Much of their success is based upon their short breeding cycle. In our service area, the Greater Hudson Valley the most common rodents that we see are mice, rats, and squirrel infestations in commercial and residential properties. As the cold months […]
Newsletter: Bust Em’ November 2012
Last year Hurricane Irene swept through our area, leaving behind a mass of destruction. Last week, Hurricane Sandy stopped us all in our tracks. The Hudson Valley was spared this time and our hearts go out to all of those suffering through the devastation. As we took shelter in our homes, hoping for the best, […]
Newsletter: Bust Em’ October 2012
September 21st marked the fall solstice and with the winter months lurking ahead I have found myself nesting in preparation for the cold. As I write this, I know I am not alone. As the cold months draw near, the animal kingdom is also preparing and seeking refuge, very often in our homes. Here at […]
Newsletter: Bust Em’ September 2012
Inspirational Quote: Change the changeable, accept the unchangeable, and remove yourself from the unacceptable.” – Denis Waitley Labor Day has come and gone and I don’t know about you, but I am wondering what happened to the heat of summer as I reach for my favorite sweater and wrap myself in it for my […]
Newsletter: Grey Squirrels, Northern and Southern Flying Squirrels

The Greater Hudson Valley has so much to offer in all aspects of life. Our close proximity to New York City holds great appeal to many, as do our incredible scenic surroundings. We are lush with trees and rolling hills, the perfect habitat for our friends, the grey and flying squirrels. The grey squirrel is […]

Rats Happy Halloween. ‘tis the season for Ghosts and Goblins and since we have already spoken about bats…let’s chat about Rats , the wonderful rodents that love to call your residence or commercial property, home. As fall is in full swing and temperatures are beginning to fall, here come the rats. We are going to […]
Beavers Facts and Information

Ahh fall is in full swing. As I sit on my balcony sipping coffee feeling blessed to be surrounded by such beauty. The colors of fall are so vibrant this year. Perhaps that is one of the benefits from all of the rain we have been encountering. Before I move onto the main topic, Beaver. […]
Newsletter: Hurrican Irene – Tips and Discounts on Wildlife Exclusion

“Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.” George Bernard Shaw This newsletter has historical been catered to educate you on the wildlife found in our service area. However, in this issue we are going to change the educational material to a topic that is extremely relevant due to the damage created by […]