Snakes – Non-Venomous
Ssssssnakes! Every time I reference snakes, the scene from Indiana Jones pops into my head. There’s Indiana knee deep in snakes just slithering all around him…I get the chills just thinking about it. It’s snake season and our snake calls are on the rise. The four most common non-venomous snakes found in our area are […]
Little Critters – Newsletter
Baby raccoon kits stay with their mother for the first year. Baby woodchucks leave the burrow alone at 6 to 7 weeks. Baby Squirrels leave the mother and nest 10 to 12 weeks from birth. Each year, around this time, we receive a high volume of calls with questions regarding, what is believed to be, […]
Bats Best Practices – Newsletter
Fun Animal Fact of the Month: Bats are the only mammal that can fly. Tis the season for bats. Spring is here and the bats are searching for a place to raise their young. Every year about this time, we begin to get an increase in bat calls. There birthing period begins in late May […]
Raccoons Best Practices – Newsletter
Raccoons are one of our favorite animals at Wildlife Busters. We love their appearance and hence there presence in our logo. But it’s not only their distinctive features that we admire. It’s their uncanny ability to break through and get into your commercial or residential property. Raccoons are one of the most adaptable animals we […]
Squirrels Best Practices – Newsletter
“You should know now that a man of knowledge lives by acting, not by thinking about acting, nor by thinking about what he will think when he has finished acting. A man of knowledge chooses a path with heart and follows it” Carlos Castaneda Squirrels Is it me? Or did the squirrel population seem to […]