Rodents in the Winter Part II

Rodents in the Winter Part II The bad news is that most insurers will not cover homeowners for damage caused by pests, though they will consider paying out on that caused by other wild animals. For example, insures for loss or damage caused by wild animals providing they are not classed as moth, vermin or […]

Rodents in the Winter Part I

Rodents in the Winter Part I Pests that can damage your home and make a hole in your wallet Rats, mice, moths, beetles, woodworm… they all mean big bills or more expensive insurance. Infestations of mice tend to rise when it gets cold, with rodents spreading disease as well as chewing through wiring, timber, pipes […]

Skunks Part III

Skunks Part III Exclusion As with many other vertebrate pests, the best solution for skunk problems beneath porches or buildings is to screen or block them out. Close off all potential entrances or openings under houses, garden tool sheds, mobile homes, porches, and decks with 1/4-inch mesh hardware cloth. The advantage of using the small […]

Skunks Part II

Skunks Part II LEGAL STATUS The New York Fish and Game Code classifies skunks as nongame mammals. The owner or tenant of the premises may lethally remove nongame mammals that are injuring or threatening at any time and in any legal manner. Fish and Game regulations prohibit the relocation of skunks and other wildlife without […]

Skunks Part I

Skunks Part I Two species of skunk are found in New York, the spotted skunk (Spilogale gracilis) and the striped skunk (Mephitis mephitis), which is the species most commonly found around homes. Although originally considered members of the weasel family, recent genetic research has placed skunks into their own family Mephitidae. Both skunk species produce […]