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Baby Raccoons, Squirrels and Skunks are Here…Looking for Humane Wildlife Removal?

Ahhhh… spring is in the air….60+ degree weather for a full week.  This is one of my favorite times of year.   It’s baby time.  Raccoons, squirrels, skunks and woodchucks are all primed and ready to pro-create.  By now they have found that nice warm cozy place to call home and raise a family…. and if it’s in your residential or commercial property, we are here to assist.  If you require raccoon removal, squirrel removal, skunk removal or woodchuck removal services in Orange County, Rockland County or Ulster County, please give us a call toll free at 1-855-945-1212.


Raccoons will mate January through February having pups beginning March through May.  They appear cute and cuddly, but they can reek havoc in your attic and leave behind diseases ie raccoon roundworm.  Not to mention there is nothing more protective then a mother raccoon with her newborn kits.   Enjoy from afar, but if they are residing in your commercial or residential property, be safe and leave it to a professional.

Wildlife Busters provide professional and humane wildlife trapping services. If you require raccoon removal in Rockland County NYraccoon removal in Orange County NY or raccoon removal in  Ulster County NY, please give us  a call toll free at 1-855-945-1212.

Gray Squirrels mate several times throughout the year.  As of now, they are giving birth.  Southern Flying Squirrels are searching for a mate right now and place to hunker down and you will begin seeing their young in May and June. The most serious danger associated with having squirrels in your attic is a fire hazard. Squirrels are destructive by nature and like all rodents they chew on electrical wiring. By chewing on wires they strip the plastic coating, which exposes the bare copper wire and creates a very dangerous situation.  If you are experiencing a squirrel infestation and would like to get rid of squirrels then give Wildlife Busters a call to experience our professional and human squirrel removal service toll free at 1-855-945-1212.


Skunks…. well skunks are not vicious animals…. they just stink this time of year.  Why do you smell them so much, because the male skunks are fighting over territories and females…sound familiar?  If you are smelling them chances are there is a female nearby looking to find a home and a few males courting her…Who You Gonna Call?  Wildlife Busters toll free at 1-855-945-1212.

It’s actually pretty amazing to watch our wildlife technicians walk up to a caught skunk and remove the cage without getting sprayed.  I can’t say that all of our technicians have a perfect record, but Ben, my husband does…. lucky for me.  On another note, if you are your pet get’s sprayed, forget the tomato juice, use the following; create a paste out of 1 quart hydrogen peroxide, ¼ cup of baking soda and 1 teaspoon of liquid soap and immediately wash you, your pet and soak your clothing.  In closing, I would be doing you a dis-service without mentioning that Skunks are a vector species, meaning they carry rabies.  If you see a skunk acting strangely stay away and call a professional wildlife management service company.

Woodchucks AKA Ground Hogs stay tuned for next week… and not to mention the incredible array of birds that are migrating back into our area or heading north via our area—we will cover those as well-

Inspirational Quote of the Week
“Just one mental shift — focusing on the abundance of your environment–switches your psychological settings so that your life automatically improves in many areas you may think are unrelated. This is essentially a leap from fear to faith.” ~ Martha Beck