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Gray and Red Squirrels

Gray and Red Squirrels

Squirrels are fun to watch.  As I sit here and peer out my office window, I see two squirrels chasing each other from tree to tree.  They jumped from branch to branch, ran up one tree and then down the other.   I could have just witnessed free spirited play or more likely a battle for respective territories.  Either way, they are fun to watch, but like most wildlife, only from afar.

We most commonly come across gray and red squirrels.  We do see the flying squirrel in our service areas, but I covered those last week in our southern flying squirrels post. Gray squirrels are 18” to 20” long with their tail being half of that length, weighing 1.5 lbs.  Red Squirrels are 12” long, including the tail and weigh about 5.5 ounces.  Although smaller, red squirrels tend to be much louder with their chatter.    The damage created by either one is destructive.  Check out this video of squirrel damage we are repairing in a residence in Piermont, NY.


One of the most common animal removal services we provide is to remove squirrels from an attic. During certain times of the year squirrels will enter homes and attics through existing holes or they will chew their way through weakened areas of roofs, vents and soffits to gain access to a warm safe attic. Once inside, squirrels can cause significant damage.

Some of the most common forms of squirrel damage associated with squirrel infestations are:
eastern gray squirrel

  • Damaged and shredded insulation.
  • Feces and urine deposits.
  • Stains in ceilings from squirrel urine.
  • Strong odor from urine-soaked insulation.

The most serious danger associated with having squirrels in your attic is a fire hazard. Squirrels are destructive by nature and like all rodents they chew on electrical wiring. By chewing on wires they strip the plastic coating, which exposes the bare copper wire and creates a very dangerous situation.

Some helpful tips to avoid a squirrel removal circumstance would include:

  • If anyone is feeding the squirrels persuade them to stop.
  • Trim trees 10 feet away from the home.
  • Squirrel proof your bird feeders.
  • Keep the area underneath the feeder clean.
  • Seal Openings at the joints of siding, overhanging eaves and where pipes and utility lines enter the home.
  • Replace plastic attic vents with metal designs securely attached to the building.

If it’s too late and you are experiencing a wildlife control issue with Squirrels, Wildlife Busters can assist you.  Please call us toll free at 1-855-945-1212. Wildlife Busters Technicians are highly trained in locating all access points of entry for nuisance wildlife removal.  Our years of hands on experience have taught us well.  Our squirrel removal process includes the following steps:

  • Thorough site inspection to locate squirrel access points
  • Installation of one way doors where necessary as well as set traps for capture (if need be)
  • Seal all access points
  • Make habitat modification suggestions to property owner

Wildlife Busters not only provides animal trapping and removal services but we will decontaminate and sanitize the area, apply wildlife exclusion materials and techniques to ensure no re-entry and we will consult with you on how to modify your habits to reduce the likelihood of another human/wildlife encounter at your property.  Call us toll free at 1-855-945-1212.

Vitality shows in not only the ability to persist but the ability to start over

F. Scott Fitzgerald