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Gray Squirrels – Birthing Round Two…Here they come!

Gray Squirrels – Birthing Round Two…Here they come!

 It’s hard to believe that summer is wrapping up and before you know it there will be frost glistening on our grass in the early morning hours.  What does that mean for wildlife? It’s a signal for various animals from raccoons to squirrels to begin seeking a warm place to spend the winter.  This blog will focus on the gray squirrel.  Why?  Because they are one of the few animals that will breed in the winter.  Gray squirrels may breed twice (and typically most do).  They will breed in Mid-December through January and then again in June through July.  Hence, they are one of the first animals to be moving in the fall seeking a place to breed and birth.

How can you tell if you have a squirrel in your residence or commercial property?  Squirrels will enter buildings seeking shelter.  Once there, they will look to reside or den in your attic, or other hidden crawl space.  Squirrels are notorious for making noises, typically at dawn when they are leaving their nests in search of food.  Most of Wildlife Busters clients tend to hear scratching and scurrying noises in the ceilings or walls of buildings.  We have seen them chew through siding, soffit areas and roofing to access a residence or commercial property.

Are squirrels dangerous?  Yes, they absolutely can wreak havoc in a residence or commercial property. Some of the most common forms of squirrel damage associated with squirrel infestations are:

  • Damaged and shredded insulation.
  • Feces and urine deposits.
  • Stains in ceilings from squirrel urine.
  • Strong odor from urine-soaked insulation.

The most serious danger associated with having squirrels in your attic is a fire hazard. Squirrels are destructive by nature and like all rodents they chew on electrical wiring. By chewing on wires they strip the plastic coating, which exposes the bare copper wire and creates a very dangerous situation.

If you are experiencing a squirrel removal or squirrel control issue, Wildlife Busters can provide a professional, humane, long-term solution to your wildlife control problem.

Our squirrel removal process includes the following steps:

  •  Thorough site inspection to locate squirrel access points
  • Installation of one way doors where necessary as well as set traps for capture (if need be)
  • Seal all access points
  • Make habitat modification suggestions to property owner


Wildlife Busters offers long-term warranty and prevention plans on all of our wildlife exclusion services.  Please contact us at our toll free number, 855-945-1212 for more information.

If you are experiencing a nuisance wildlife issue and require assistance with raccoon removal, squirrel removal, woodchuck removal, bat removal, bird removal, snake removal or skunk removal, give Wildlife Busters a call toll free at 855-945-1212 and we will resolve your wildlife management issue professionally, efficiently and humanely. Please note that all of our wildlife exclusion services come with a 1 to 5 year warranty, which can be extended upon expiration with one of our long-term prevention plans. Please give us a call or check out our website for more information.

To learn more about a variety of critters visit our wildlife resource.

Learn more about wildlife diseases.

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Inspirational quote of the week

“People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are. I don’t believe in circumstances. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and, if they can’t find them, they make them.”

— George Bernard Shaw