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Moles and Voles Recommendations

Wow, I am not sure what is going on this season, but the moles and voles appear to be very active this year. I think our call volume has doubled since last year as it relates to these nuisance critters. I figured I would take sometime and provide tips that you can use as a residential or commercial property owner or property manager to avoid a nuisance wildlife issue with moles and voles.

mole trapping new york

I probably sound like a broken record, but like any other wildlife, moles or voles are wreaking havoc on your property in search of food. Moles eat insects. They love grubs, beetle larvae and worms. Moles are diggers and while they are digging for insects, they inadvertently dig up and around the roots of your plants and grass, hence destroying them. Remove their food source. Wildlife Busters recommends the following:

• Treat your lawn with a grub pesticide
• Avoid over watering your lawns
• Improve soil drainage (wet pounding areas attract insects)

Voles eat green plants, roots, tubers, bark and occasionally insects. They create numerous surface or subsurface burrows and tunnels in a relatively small area. Their diet tends to destroy your gardens and their burrowing typically creates massive damage to your lawns. Once again, make their food source difficult to obtain. Wildlife Busters recommends the following:

vole trapping


• Close mowing of your lawn
• Clearing vegetation and reducing layers of mulch to 1 to 3 inches in flowerbeds
• Create gravel barriers and trench prevention around gardens

If it’s too late and you are already experiencing an animal control issue with moles and voles, we would welcome the opportunity to assist you. We can provide animal trapping and removal services to rid you of your current mole and vole issue. In addition, we can provide you with preventative procedures and consulting to ensure that your human/wildlife conflict is permanently resolved.

Inspirational Quote of the Week

“Avoid the crowd. Do your own thinking independently. Be the chess player, not the chess piece.” Ralph Charell