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Problems Associated With Cockroaches


Cockroaches may become pests in homes, schools, restaurants, hospitals, warehouses, offices, and virtually in any structure that has prepares or stores food. The cockroaches can contaminate food and eating utensils, destroy fabric and paper products, and impart stains and unpleasant odors to surfaces they contact.  People are repulsed when they find cockroaches in their homes and kitchens. Cockroaches transmit bacteria that cause food poisoning. German cockroaches are believed to be capable of transmitting disease-causing organisms such as Staphylococcus spp., Streptococcus spp., hepatitis virus, and coliform bacteria.

They also have been implicated in the spread of typhoid and dysentery. Indoor infestations of cockroaches are an important source of allergens and risk for asthma among some populations. The levels of cockroaches and allergens are directly related to cockroach density, housing disrepair, and sanitary conditions.

If you’re infested with cockroaches and need a professional to eliminate and remediate the damage done from these insects call Wildlifebusters for the job.