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Should I Hire My Pest Control Company?

Let me ask you this……if you were experiencing migraine headaches would you go to your proctologist just because you have a relationship with him?

Then why would you automatically hire your pest control company just because you have a relationship with them?  Wildlife is very different then Entomology (bugs).   Think about it logically, do you think the technician who walks around your house with a pesticide can spraying certain areas is the same individual who will climb into a 2 foot crawl space attempting to capture a pissed off raccoon? Or better yet, that same technician who has been trained in bugs and where to look for bugs will have a full comprehension of the approximately 35 different locations where we typically see wildlife enter your residential or commercial property?  Most pest control companies say they do wildlife, but they only do because they have you as a client and they don’t want to leave money on the table.  But does that really provide great service to you?

Most pest control companies will quote you a flat rate regardless if they trap and remove anything or provide exclusion services that would assist in permanently resolving the nuisance wildlife issue.  If you have hired your pest control company in the past, did you ever notice that you would see multiple technicians at your house?  Why?  Because they send a person out with a certain route, depending upon whose route is where, they check on your traps.   What’s the problem with that?  Who is tracking the signs of movement with the animals?  Who is consistently speaking with the client to understand what they see and hear throughout the process?  If multiple people are checking and asking questions, it is difficult to adjust your process and procedure throughout the job.  Every wildlife job is different and it is important to understand and track what is occurring at each location to ensure that you catch the animal and that you understand the what and why that brought the wildlife to your residence or commercial property.

You hire Wildlife Busters a Wildlife Management Service company because of our specialty knowledge.  We don’t do bugs.  But we have years of experience in dealing with nuisance wildlife.  We understand their habits, tendencies and ultimately will provide a comprehensive solution to the wildlife control issue.  We will do it in an efficient and economical manner because we have the knowledge and have fine-tuned our process and procedure through years of experience.  We don’t do bugs because we realize it’s a specialty business.   The only way we do bugs is if we make the business decision to build a separate division that would provide the specialty knowledge to do the job correctly.  To us, it’s not about, providing another service to a client it’s what we do day in and day out.


In closing, I am writing this blog because of a crisis occurring in our industry.   You see most pest control companies don’t know how to trap and remove an entire family of wildlife.  They typically come and remove the mother.  They then get a call back from the client, who is still hearing noises.  Why? Because they left the babies behind.   The pest control company will come back and grab the baby wildlife, but now Mom is gone.  They must then bring them to a wildlife rehabilitator.  Our wildlife rehabilitators are overwhelmed this year by pest control companies dumping babies on them.  What’s worse is that they don’t even donate supplies or money to cover the costs.  What happens, some young wildlife is left to die—

So please next time ask some pertinent questions before you make the quick and convenient decision of hiring your pest control company to do wildlife:


  1. How long have you been doing wildlife?
  2. Do you have a dedicated staff for wildlife management services?
  3. Will I be communicating and seeing one wildlife technician throughout the process?
  4. What is your process for evicting or trapping and removing a wildlife family?
  5. Do you provide wildlife exclusion services?
  6. Do you provide warranties on your wildlife management services?


Wildlife Busters is a full service wildlife management service company.  Wildlife is all we do.  It is our specialty.  We provide animal trapping and removal services,  we decontaminate and sanitize the area, we apply wildlife exclusion materials and techniques to ensure no re-entry and we will consult with you on how to modify your habits to reduce the likelihood of another human/wildlife encounter at your property.  All of our services come with warranties and prevention plans.  Call us toll free at 1-855-945-1212.

Inspirational quote of the week

“If your ship doesn’t come in, swim out to it.”

Jonathan Winters