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“Sleep Tight and Don’t Let The Bed Bugs Bite”

Sleep Tight and Don’t Let The Bed Bugs Bite”

A cute bedtime expression that didn’t mean anything, when I was young The US has experienced a mostly bed bug-free surrounding. Now the U.S. has a national infestation and its hit NY State which has seen bed bug infestation rise 500% in the last three years alone. This infestation is not just contained or coming from flea bag hotels – they have moved into 5-star hotels also. In addition, the public and private places you visit every day. Bed bugs are also in the businesses you frequent such as movie theaters and clothing stores for example.

A potential customer of mine called me and indicated they noticed several red bites all over their arms, neck, and back. They thought it was just an allergic reaction, but then they woke up one night to find large bugs almost feasting on them. They then contacted us a professional exterminator and asked for an appointment to resolve this problem.

Bed bugs are small insects that feed on the blood of humans or animals to survive. When first born they are about the size of a pinhead. Adults may grow to the size of a penny when feasting on your blood nightly.  These parasites are nocturnal and reject light, so they wait until dark to come out for their meals, which is one of the reasons it takes so long to realize you’ve been co-habituating with them. Entomology studies indicate that they can carry and transfer dangerous diseases to their human hosts. This danger is even greater for women over 55 years of age because of their susceptibility to the diseases these insects carry.

If you suspect you’ve been invaded by these parasites contact a professional to inspect, eradicate and remediate. A licensed pro will be authorized to use the highly potent chemicals required to eliminate this problem.