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squirrel going nuts

The Squirrels are Going Nuts

squirrel going nutsHello to all…it has been a wild winter so far. As this is my first blog of the new year…Happy New Year! I hope you are all off to a healthy, happy and prosperous New Year. All I can say is WOW! What a fall that lead into a non-stop winter. The squirrel activity is incredible. We have squirrels in the attic, squirrels in the soffits, squirrels in walls and squirrels in the ceilings…it is amazing to us how active and damaging they can be—I am not sure what is creating all of this activity. Ben and I have a few hypotheses. Maybe it was the incredibly wet fall we had followed by one of the warmest winters on record. Maybe Hurricane Irene displaced them and put them on the move…whatever it might be, if squirrels are making you nuts, please give us a call and we will get rid of your squirrel issue. To recap what we do and how we do it-

  • The first step is a thorough site inspection to locate squirrel access points. This is performed by one of our highly trained Wildlife Technicians
  • The second step is the installation of one way doors where necessary as well as set traps for capture (if need be)
  • We then seal all access points
  • Once the squirrel activity has ceased (typically 3 t0 5 business days) we seal the final access point.
  • We then make habitat modification suggestions to property owner (trim trees, remove shrubs etc)
  • Offer a long-term warranty and prevention plan.

squirrrels destructionAnd it’s worth noting that Squirrels are not only making noise in your attic or walls, they are most likely destroying it. Squirrels will damage and shred insulation, they will leave urine and feces deposits. These deposits can create a strong odor that is unpleasant to you and will attract other wildlife. It’s like a perfume that screams (“WILDLIFE IN HERE AND THRIVING—PLEASE COME IN AND CHECK IT OUT”). The most serious danger with squirrels is the fact that they have to chew. There metabolism combined with the rate at which their teeth grow requires them to constantly chew and your electrical wires or appliance wires are quite appetizing. Check out these shots below—this is an attic clean out we did for a client who had a major squirrel and rodent infestation in the attic.

Inspirational Quote
I think when you move past your fear and you go after your dreams wholeheartedly, you become free. Know what I’m saying? Move past the fear.” ~ James Todd Smith (aka LL Cool J)