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Termite Control

termite control

Get Rid of Termites and Start Protecting Your Home Today!

Termites are no joke.

They should be contained as soon as possible or damage to your home or structure can be immense.

It is critical to identify the species of destructive termites to formulate an appropriate control program. The main destructive termite species in New York is the Eastern subterranean termite.

A Termite Infestation Can Cause $10,000 in damages to your Home in New York State

Call today For an Estimate 855-945-1212!

Eastern subterranean termites are highly destructive to Douglas fir and other common building timbers.

They can rapidly eat out the internal sections of structural timbers – devouring mainly the spring wood, and preferring to leave the harder summer wood sections.

Cracks in your foundations and damp soil or damp basements are a perfect attraction and environment for termites.

Professional Termite Control Service

Call today For an Estimate 855-945-1212!

Not only are termite colonies are hard to eliminate, the colonies can grow quickly. The longer you wait the more damage requires remediation.

Our Service helps you eliminate the problem by getting rid of the colony and eliminating the problem not only right now, but also reducing the chances of coming back in the near future.

How we can help you:

  • We have extensive experience in pest control
  • We are licensed pest control experts
  • We do all the necessary work to get rid of the problem
  • We will recommend remediation of the damaged areas

Call Today For an Estimate 855-945-1212!