More Winter Birds and Their Survival Techniques

bald eagles

More Winter Birds and Their Survival Techniques Over the millions of years this Earth has been in existence most species have learned to better adapt to their environments. It’s amazing to see how some animals have taken elements in their surroundings and used them as tools to make surviving easier. When it comes to birds, […]

Bird-friendly Yards and Communities For The Winter Continued….

Bird-friendly Yards and Communities For The Winter Continued…. Winter is a hard time for birds, especially when it comes to food and shelter. Many birds rely on fruits and seeds for survival, especially from feeders when food is scarce. Providing bird feeders in winter will attract many birds to your yard. Place feeders in locations […]

Bird-friendly Communities For The Winter

Bird-friendly Yards and Communities For The Winter Winter is a tough time for birds, especially when it comes to food and shelter. But we can help them survive the long winter months. Birds have the same needs—food, water, shelter—in winter as they do any other time. Helping these winter visitors could help sustain their populations […]

Raccoons in The Winter

Raccoons in The Winter Raccoons feed mainly at night. They eat fruit, nuts, berries, small animals and insects, and also will feed on pet food, garbage, and garden crops. This continues during the winter months, but the lack of natural food forces the raccoons to raid your garbage cans more often. Female raccoons look for […]