Do Squirrels Forget Where They Put Their Nuts

gray squirrel

Autumn it’s just a time for squirrels to bury a whole ton of nuts. You can see them all over, burying nuts into the ground and patting the earth down with their little paws. Is their feat just a frantic frenzy to survive the harsh realities of winter? Or does this stashing away have some […]

What do Squirrels Do In The Winter

squirrels trapping

Have you ever wondered how animals like squirrels survive NY’s freezing temperatures without outer clothing? While people typically respond to the cold by staying inside and putting on layers, it turns out squirrels have a similar strategy for dealing with the challenges of winter. They tend to spend more time in the den, and they […]

Bird-friendly Yards and Communities For The Winter Continued….

Bird-friendly Yards and Communities For The Winter Continued…. Winter is a hard time for birds, especially when it comes to food and shelter. Many birds rely on fruits and seeds for survival, especially from feeders when food is scarce. Providing bird feeders in winter will attract many birds to your yard. Place feeders in locations […]

Bird-friendly Communities For The Winter

Bird-friendly Yards and Communities For The Winter Winter is a tough time for birds, especially when it comes to food and shelter. But we can help them survive the long winter months. Birds have the same needs—food, water, shelter—in winter as they do any other time. Helping these winter visitors could help sustain their populations […]

Rodents in the Winter Part II

Rodents in the Winter Part II The bad news is that most insurers will not cover homeowners for damage caused by pests, though they will consider paying out on that caused by other wild animals. For example, insures for loss or damage caused by wild animals providing they are not classed as moth, vermin or […]

Rodents in the Winter Part I

Rodents in the Winter Part I Pests that can damage your home and make a hole in your wallet Rats, mice, moths, beetles, woodworm… they all mean big bills or more expensive insurance. Infestations of mice tend to rise when it gets cold, with rodents spreading disease as well as chewing through wiring, timber, pipes […]

Cockroach Invasion?

Cockroach Invasion? Are cockroaches invading your home? Your home can become a health problem if not checked early on. Cockroaches can be brought to your home after traveling or on cardboard boxes from stores. There are at least five types of cockroaches that are common in New York but the American and German are the […]

ANTS IN THE HOUSE (Tribal Ants and Carpenter Ants)

ANTS IN THE HOUSE (Tribal Ants and Carpenter Ants) Ants are often nuisance pests, and just their presence can be upsetting. They often get into foods and feed on them. Some species crawl over refuse, carrion, or sewage, which may afford them an opportunity to carry the causal organisms of some diseases. Food contamination can […]