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Cockroach Invasion?

Cockroach Invasion?

Are cockroaches invading your home? Your home can become a health problem if not checked early on. Cockroaches can be brought to your home after traveling or on cardboard boxes from stores.
There are at least five types of cockroaches that are common in New York but the American and German are the most prevalent. Also, out of the five species, the German Cockroach is the one to worry about as it likes indoor locations. However, American cockroaches may also be found indoors in areas that are very humid.

Cockroaches contaminate food and eating utensils. They also destroy fabrics and papers leaving stains and odors behind. Beyond property damage, cockroaches can carry human pathogens like Salmonella and E. coli. For this reason, you should stay vigilant with prevention and removal efforts. Cockroaches need water and food to survive, so limiting their access to these resources can help. Washing dishes often, keeping food stored in sealed containers, and putting away pet food and water at night can help.

American Cockroach

Appearance – They are reddish brown, with a yellowish figure 8 pattern on the back of their head. They are about 1 ½ to 2 inches long. Both males and females have wings, but don’t usually fly in New York.

Biology – The American cockroach is the largest and most common cockroach in the United States. They are usually found around garbage dumps and areas where there’s food and debris.

Prevention– Keeping things very clean and sanitary, along with vacuuming, sealing of cracks, and watching out for cockroaches while using a baiting program can usually quickly get rid of them.

German Cockroach

Appearance – German cockroaches are light brown or tan and have two dark stripes by their head. They are one of the smallest of cockroaches in Michigan, and are about ½ inch in length.

Biology – The German cockroach is also common in urban areas, and can be found inside. They usually like moist and warm environments like kitchens and bathrooms. They like a lot of different foods.

Prevention- Keeping things very clean and sanitary, along with vacuuming, sealing of cracks, and watching out for cockroaches while using a baiting program can usually quickly get rid of them.
A single cockroach problem can quickly go from bad to worse whereas they are terrific breeders and their numbers drastically increase. According to the entomology studies such as in the University of Kentucky, once cockroaches become established they are capable of producing several thousand offspring in a year. Act quickly.

Contact a professional to resolve and remediate your cockroach problem.