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Copperhead Snake Information & Facts

Copperhead Snake Information & Facts  

The Copperhead is the most misidentified snake in America! Did you see the snake identified by you? Are you sure it was a copperhead? Or it wasn’t just one of a number of similar looking snakes, mostly water snakes such as the Northern Water Snake? Snakes can be very tricky to identify. Copperheads are rare, and people do see them, so possible you did. In some areas they are more common than in other areas in New York State..

Copperhead Descriptions: Copperhead snakes are considered a medium sized snake with a wide body and a broad head. The snake has a distinctive neck, unlike in other species where that characteristic is indistinguishable. These snakes can be a light brown or tan in color with dark,irregular banding. The bands can be solid in color or can have a fading color appearance from the outside to the inside, from dark to light pigment. The markings often resemble a triangular shape, helping the snake to blend in with leaves on a forest floor.

Copperhead Habitat and Behavior: The well-known copperhead snake, though not hugely common, has a fairly large range, is most often found within the eastern coast of North America and the mid-southern  states, along the river drainage. This snake prefers the cover of forest, though it will often make its home or den in rocky areas and ledges. Some subspecies have

adapted to life in marshy regions, living off the ample food sources found along the waterways. More to come on Copperheads in our next blog…………..  
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