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How to Get Mice Out of House Walls

How to Get Mice Out of House Walls

Mice often live in hidden areas within homes, including storage boxes, attics, lofts and wall interiors. Mice are capable of fitting through extremely small openings in floors, walls and foundations. After they enter homes, they can be extremely difficult to get rid of.

Mice living within walls rarely leave their nests during daylight. Their presence is made obvious by gnawing and clawing sounds. Before attempting extermination methods, homeowners should properly identify their pests as mice. Other pests are also known to reside within walls and may require a customized method to control them. Droppings and tracks are often visible in homes experiencing mouse infestations. Holes are also visible in walls, floors, ceilings and foundations. Due to their nesting and feeding habits, mice cause significant damage to human food sources and wooden surfaces. Bite or chew marks in these areas often indicate the presence of mice.

Rodents living within walls do emerge in search of food. At this time, homeowners may capture or kill mice through the use of traps. Homeowners may also lure mice out of walls with food bait. Spring-loaded traps, glue traps and live-catch traps are commercially available. Some are designed to kill captured rodents, while others require homeowners to release mice outside. In order to be effective, the traps must be placed properly and along areas frequented by the mice. Often, homeowners incorrectly place traps, making them ineffective, and they can also present a risk to children or pets if they have access to the trap.

Professional pest control should be sought for the knowledge, training and expertise to successfully manage mice.